South Carolina Addiction Treatment is a peaceful and beautiful place for individuals to comfortably and safely eliminate physical dependence on substances; our high-end and state-of-the-art facility prepares clients for the next level of appropriate care.
Our skilled and experienced medical and therapeutic staff are trained to provide care and support for sufferers of substance use disorders as well as their families. This support includes education on the realities of addiction that de-stigmatize this overwhelmingly common disease.
We capture all the comforts of home in our elegant and amenity-rich campus in Greenville / Simpsonville, South Carolina. Each client will have the option of their own beautifully appointed private room or semi private room in which to rest, relax and rejuvenate. Clients can mingle in the common areas of our facility and enjoy nutritious meals crafted by our chef.
South Carolina Addiction Treatment also provides a medically sophisticated facility that helps ease clients through acute withdrawal, medically managing their comfort and symptoms in a proactive and compassionate manner.
Dedicated addiction-medicine trained Nursing and Psychiatric staff monitor each client around the clock to ensure their comfort and safety while detoxing with us. Our compassionate and skilled clinical staff blend clinically dynamic, evidence-based therapies and complementary modalities with AA’s Twelve Step Program to build a solid foundation of recovery and lasting change.
Addiction and alcoholism is not a choice, but where you go to detox is. Clients who come to South Carolina Addiction Treatment benefit from compassionate support and guidance, as well as round-the-clock medical supervision to ensure their safety and comfort. Is South Carolina Addiction Treatment right for you? Find out at 866-326-3365.
Family owned and operated, we take pride in our commitment to healing families as a whole. Recovery is not only for those who have abused drugs and alcohol but also for those who have suffered the trauma of loving someone with substance use disorder. Let our family help yours!
South Carolina Addiction Treatment and it’s affiliates exist to give individuals and their loved ones quality care to recover from substance abuse through education, counseling and compassion by our experienced and trained professionals.
South Carolina Addiction Treatment operates as a sister program to Carolina Center for Recovery.
Carolina Center for Recovery is well-known for its comprehensive approach to addiction treatment. They focus on personalized care and evidence-based practices, helping individuals overcome substance use disorders.
In partnership with the Carolina Center for Recovery and its affiliates, South Carolina Addiction Treatment offers accessible and effective addiction treatment services tailored to the unique needs of individuals in South Carolina.