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Medically Reviewed

What Kinds of Addiction Recovery Support Groups are Available in South Carolina?

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Medically Verified: January 31, 2023

Medical Reviewer:

Sahil Talwar, PA-C, MBA


All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

Addiction doesn’t end when rehab does. Instead, people living with addiction must find ways to stay active and engaged in recovery for life to avoid relapse. Whether a person completes an inpatient program or participates in outpatient therapy, it’s important to create an aftercare plan that includes the ongoing treatment, education, and support they’ll need to maintain sobriety.

Support groups are an essential aspect of most aftercare plans. Regular support group meetings can help you stay committed to sobriety and connect to other people in recovery.

There are many types of support groups to choose from. We put together information on some of the addiction recovery support groups so you can choose the one that is right for you.

For more information on finding local sober support groups, reach out to the South Carolina Addiction Treatment team for help.

What are the Benefits of Attending Sober Support Groups?

Attending sober support groups can be a critical element of your aftercare plan. People who attend addiction recovery support groups enjoy many benefits, including:

  • Developing a new daily routine
  • Finding security in structure
  • Having a non-judgmental place to process emotions, challenges, and joys in recovery
  • Regular support from peers, counselors, or group leaders
  • A new community
  • Learning new coping skills
  • Hearing other people’s stories
  • Connection with others

Addiction recovery can sometimes feel lonely. Attending regular support groups allows you to socialize with and learn from people in different stages of recovery. It also gives you a group to be accountable to–and people who will notice if your motivation or commitment is fading.

Types of Addiction Recovery Support Groups

No two people have exactly the same journey with addiction and recovery. Addiction treatment programs must adapt to meet the needs of each person and provide the right support to meet people where they are.

Addiction recovery support groups are also not one-size-fits-all. There are many types of programs to choose from. Finding the right one is crucial because you need to feel safe, comfortable, and supported.

Here are some of the most common types of sober support groups.

12-step groups

Support groups offered by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are popular in the United States and throughout many other countries. These support groups follow a “12-step” approach to addiction recovery and believe that people must find their “higher power” to experience a complete recovery.

Meetings may be open to friends and family members of addicted people or closed, meaning only for people with addiction. There are often gender-specific meetings, meetings specifically for the LGBTQ community, and meetings for friends and family members who want to learn about addiction and recovery.

Self-management and recovery training (SMART Recovery)

SMART Recovery is a secular (non-religious) support group that focuses on identifying and changing destructive thought patterns and behaviors. Throughout the program, people will learn to identify the triggers that may lead to relapse, define their personal values, and align their behavior with these values.

SMART recovery aims to empower people with education and support. The program also encourages peer support and allows people to freely share their experiences and feedback during meetings.

Moderation management (MM)

Moderation management support groups are intended to support people who do not want to abstain from alcohol entirely but want to reduce their alcohol intake. Because of this, membership is restricted to those of legal drinking age.

Moderation management groups ask that members abstain from alcohol for 30 days before beginning the program. It provinces education about alcohol consumption and helps people set goals related to regulating their drinking.

Some people discover that MM is not suitable for them and ultimately choose to abstain from alcohol completely, while others learn practical strategies that help them drink moderately.

Women for sobriety

Women for Sobriety (WFS) is an organization that supports women in addiction recovery. The central belief of WFS is that addiction is a life-threatening condition that requires attention and healing–and that it is not a moral failing.

WFS support groups focus on improving women’s self-worth, value, and efficacy. The program caters to the emotional needs of women and uses group support to promote recovery. Together, group members set goals, offer guidance, learn and practice new skills, and solve problems.

Women learn new ways to think about challenges, practice relaxation, and stress management strategies, and work collaboratively toward their goals.


LifeRing is a secular addiction recovery support group that provides a safe, non-judgmental space for people to discuss addiction and recovery with like-minded peers.

LifeRing recovery groups focus on three critical aspects of recovery: sobriety, secularity, and self-help. Group members emphasize the positive and stay focused on the here and now instead of revisiting the past. Members are encouraged to find and support their Sober Self–the part of themselves committed to sobriety–and diminish the power of their Addict Self.

Find Sober Support Groups Now

If you or someone you love need addiction treatment or want to learn more about local addiction recovery support groups, reach out to the knowledgeable staff at South Carolina Addiction Treatment today.